Expert geniality show je vedomostná súťaž pre žiakov 5. – 9. ročníka ZŠ a všetkých typov stredných škôl. Jednou z tém je aj angličtina.
Súťaž Expert geniality show je výnimočná z niekoľkých dôvodov. Žiaci súťažia v dvoch súťažných témach, ktoré si vyberú zo šiestich ponúknutých. Témy zahŕňajú angličtinu, dejepis, geografiu, občiansku náuku, fyziku, biológiu, chémiu, astronómiu, logiku, šport a všeobecný prehľad. Piatakom a šiestakom ponúkame dve témy, ktoré obsahujú všetky uvedené oblasti. Skúste koľko toho z angličtiny viete.
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zvládli ste to lepšie ako 70% ostatných. Test pripravila Talentída.
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Skúste znova. Test pripravila Talentída.
Pripravili sme pre vás sériu testov ku každej téme. Ak chcete môžete si ich
#1. What is the solution to the following riddle?
I have no doors but I have keys, I have no rooms but I do have space, you can enter but you can never leave. What am I?
#2. What is a wave not connected with?
#3. Complete the gaps in the joke with the correct words.
I thought my neighbours were ___ people. Then they went and put a ___ on their wi-fi.
#4. If someone is eager, it means he or she is
#5. Which idiom fits best into the gap?
Visiting my classmate Steve this afternoon was like ___. After we figured out our maths homework together, we played this new fantasy game – the Cuphead.
#6. What do we call the gesture in the picture?
#7. Which person is American?
#8. What should we fill in the gap to make a joke?
I was ___ at the airport. Just because I was greeting my cousin Jack! All that I said was: “Hi, Jack!” But very loudly.
#9. Which of these houses have people never lived in?
#10. If someone makes a bad situation even worse, we say that they